IOT Dashboard
UIUX Designer
Kexin Zhu (UX Designer)
Yu Gao (Product Manager)
Ji Ma (Software Engineer)
1 month (07/2024)
The product is an IOT platform that helps business to manage their assets and improve their operation and maintenance management efficiency. I was given the task to redesign the dashboard of current product, which aims to inform users about devices' health condition and historical statistics, etc.
Problem on current page
Current dashboard page shows information of different aspects of the device, but it doesn't show prioritys among all the information. Moreover, the current layout makes users have to scroll down to see the full statistics.
Display as much information of the device as possible without need to scrolling down
Show priority within the information in the dashboard
Let users have an overview of the devices' condition before digging into detail page
Competitive Analysis
Before jumping into designing wireframe, i did research of the dashboard page pf different competitors.
✅The layout takes good advantage of the space
❌Lack of consistency
✅Able to see important metrics at the first glance
❌Each model is not easy to distinguish
Information Architecture
User Flow
I draw the user flow to better understand every step that users need to complete a task of assigning an order or complete an order on the platform.
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